Wednesday, July 15, 2009

These days...

my little boy loves to take walks, when he wants to go outside he grabs my hand and pulls me to the door. And he won't stop knocking on the door until we go out!
he is trying to negotiate his meals! he eats with a toy on the tray, once he's done playing with it, he won't take another spoon until I give him another toy. (I hope this doesn't last long...)
he is learning to go to sleep on his own, mostly for the afternoon nap. I just put him in his bed, close the blinds and he falls sleep playing with his bear blanket.

Today we went to the park, it had been raining all day but thankfully it stopped early enough for us to go and have some fun! JJ loved it!

swing happy 2

swing happy


What a cutie! I love him...

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